Modern Logo 101

Modern Logos—Minimal, Simple, Or Elegant?
The logos below are considered modern logos—they’re called wordmarks or sometimes text logos. They don’t have a logo symbol; they are made from type. While some designs use a special-looking character, for example, the i-dot of the letter i in Stripe (a payment processing company) is slightly slanted, giving the idea of sliding a card through a card reader. Dunkin’ Donuts’s font is rounded; the letter O is a perfect circle—it reminds the customer of fluffy, rounded donuts. Take a look at the letters LO in Revlon—they feel like the movement of putting makeup on—one line is drawn in one go, fading it out at the end. Overall, the current logo trend is minimal in design.

You can type out your company name, pick a baseline logo font for an overall look and feel and then select an alternative, minimalist letter design from the dropdown. This way you make your logo unique and meaningful—select a letter that gives some idea of what your brand stands for—while keeping your logo modern and minimal at the same time.

Note the color palettes of modern brands. Often, they’re using one main color only. Fashion logos and beauty brands love all shades of black. However, it’s easiest in branding to pick a color that’s different from your competitors—that way your customers have an easier time remembering you. Another thing to take note of: All of the logos also work when converted into black and white. This is useful for so many things, for example if you’ll do partnership flyers or other assets where a logo cloud of all partners gets converted into one color, your logo will be just as strong as in full color.
How to use Mojomox’s modern logo maker
If you like, try out the Mojomox for modern logos for free by typing in your brand name below. It shouldn’t take longer than 60 seconds to browse through custom brand ideas based on your name, selecting a color palette from the presets (or customize with the color pickers), and playing with different letter designs. There are no design skills needed. If you’re not quite ready for the design process yet, try the Mojomox logo ideas generator to get inspired first.
To get started with a typography logo, type your brand name into the field below: