S logo designs

S logo design inspiration
Logos with the letter S are amongst the top-searched letter designs. To get ideas, check out a few examples below.

S logo maker for ideas and for modern mix-and-match designs

If you’re looking to design a modern logo for your company starting with the letter S, you can try out the free Mojomox logo ideas generator. You’ll see a hundred logo designs popping up immediately.
For additional letter S options, click on one of the logos on the logo ideas page and you’ll get into the logo maker app.
Customize your letter S
From there, you can click on your letter S (inside the white editing area) of your company name and a dropdown with more letter S designs will show up. If you click on another S option, the old letter S will get swapped out with the new one.
In the sidebar (right side on a desktop computer, or right below the logo editor on an iPhone, or any other phone or smaller device), you can play with the font weight slider and the entire logo mark will get lighter or bolder.
A bit of a hidden section where you can find more abstract letter S shapes made from circles, lines and rectangles, you can find when you click on “Logo Symbols” and select “Letters 01 — 03”—the sliders below that section allow you to customize your letter S design.